Posted on 10/28/2021

Your water pump is a component that is housed under the hood, and it is responsible for keeping your car running efficiently. Your car's engine is made up of various parts that are constantly moving, which can generate an intense amount of friction and heat. The water pump intervenes by helping the coolant travel from the radiator to the rest of the engine system to keep everything at a stable temp. When you have a damaged water pump, your engine is very likely to overheat. Furthermore, it can cause unrecoverable damage to the cylinder heads, gaskets, and pistons. There are three major symptoms that your car may display if you have a broken water pump: #1: Coolant Leak The water pump has seals and gaskets to manage a consistent coolant flow from the radiator to the engine block. Over time, these pump parts can loosen up, wear out, split, or crack, allowing the coolant to leak out and possibly onto the ground. If you notice a bright-colored fluid underneath where you park ... read more