Posted on 7/27/2022

Seeking remedies for spongy brakes? The brake pedal should have a firm feel when depressed. If it is soft and spongy, there is a problem, and because brakes are an essential component of vehicle control, you should have your vehicle inspected immediately to determine the problem. This article will examine the symptoms and causes of a soft brake pedal. We will also discuss how to keep your brakes in pristine condition. Symptoms Of Spongy Brakes Spongy brakes can be a sign that your car's brake system has some issues, and you need to get it inspected as soon as possible. If your brake pedals keep sinking, it's a tell-tale sign that the brakes in your vehicle are not working properly. Some cars have a built-in dashboard light that lights up when the brake system is compromised. Common Causes Of Spongy Brakes You may have moisture build up from brake fluids that absorb over time. A mechanic will help you flush the brakes (this is commonly called brake bleeding). Low brake fl ... read more