Posted on 12/20/2024

Traffic signs provide order on our roads. They are designed to keep everyone safe and informed. However, not all drivers interpret them as intended. Misunderstandings can arise from unfamiliarity, poor visibility, or overconfidence. These misinterpretations can lead to frustration, unsafe driving behaviors, and, in the worst cases, accidents. Let's explore some of the most commonly misunderstood traffic signs and clarify their true meanings. The Yield Sign One of the most misunderstood traffic signs is the yield sign. Featuring a red-bordered triangle pointing downward, it often confuses drivers who aren’t sure when to stop or proceed. Yield means you should slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary, giving the right of way to any traffic or pedestrians already in the area. However, it doesn’t mean you should come to a full stop every time you see one. Misinterpreting this sign by stopping unnecessarily can disrupt the flow of traffic and lead t ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2024

Toole’s Garage is the premier Stockton auto repair shop. We work on both domestic and foreign cars. But not everyone knows that we also provide classic car restoration. If you own a classic, give us a call and we will be happy to talk about your vehicle and what can be done to bring it to its full glory. We not only have extensive restoration experience, but we also have access to parts necessary to restore your vehicle. Whether you own a Ford Thunderbird, Cadillac Coup de Ville, Chevy Bel Air, Datsun Roadster, Oldsmobile Starfire, a Ford F-1, or any classic, our technicians are experts at bringing vintage cars back to life. So call us at the shop and we will schedule an appointment that fits your timeframe to bring your car to our Stockton vintage car repair facility. We are looking forward to working on your vehicle. Learn more about classic car restoration at Toole's G ... read more