Posted on 4/28/2022

Temperatures fluctuate and can sometimes change rapidly. When this happens or when the summer brings its sweltering heat your car may need some help adjusting. Cars creates a lot of energy, mainly heat energy. This heat energy is controlled by a cooling system. Without this system cars would overheat very quickly and cause irreprable damage to other parts of the car including the engine. Cooling systems use antifreeze to keep the engine's temperature at a constant. Antifreeze is a fliud that contains 50% distilled water and 50% ethylene glycol. This fliud can withstand temperatures bellow zero degrees and above 250 degrees without freezing or boiling. When is it Time to Flush Out Your Cooling System? There are several common signs a car may present when it is time to flush out your cooling system. Temperature Gauge: If your temperature gauge located on your dash board is always high and your car overheats frequently then it is time to flush and replace the coolant. Sweet Smell ... read more